Installing CloudPanel on Ubuntu 22.04


Cloudpanel is a simplistic hosting control panel, that lets you install WordPress, PHP applications, Node.js, Python and static websites in an instance.

To install CloudPanel you need a dedicated server or a VPS with a clean installation of Ubuntu 22.04 or Debian 11 with root access. In this guide we will be using Ubuntu 22.04.

If you don’t have a server or VPS see our guide on how to deploy a server with Deploying a VPS with

CloudPanel Installation

Login to your server via SSH, for Windows users you can use PuTTY (, linux and mac users can use their favorite SSH client.

sudo apt update

followed by:

sudo apt upgrade

anwser with y to upgrade available packages.

Also make sure the following packages are installed with the following commands:

sudo apt install curl


sudo apt install wget

When all the above is done it’s time to run the CloudPanel installer. You can choose 4 different Database flavors. We will list the commands for all 4 of them, so you can choose which one you like most. (MariaDB 10.6, would be our personal choice)

MySQL 8.0:

sudo curl -sSL | sudo bash

MariaDB 10.9:

sudo curl -sSL | sudo DB_ENGINE=MARIADB_10.9 bash

MariaDB 10.8:

sudo curl -sSL | sudo DB_ENGINE=MARIADB_10.8 bash

MariaDB 10.6: (our choice)

sudo curl -sSL | sudo DB_ENGINE=MARIADB_10.6 bash

When the installation is completed you will be told to visit: https://yourserverip:8443

In most browsers you will see a warning about a self-signed certificate, you can ignore this warning and continue to your panel and create your administrator account.

CloudPanel Custom Domain

If you want to access your control panel through its own domain e.g.: you will need to do the following.

First make sure that your domain points to your server IP address. (if you are using Cloudflare for your DNS make sure to turn off proxy for this subdomain)

Now in CloudPanel click on Admin Area

Followed by clicking on Settings:

On the General tab enter the subdomain you want to use for your CloudPanel, followed by pressing on Save. When you click on save a Let’s Encrypt Certificate will be issued for the custom domain.

Now you can visit your CloudPanel with your own custom domain. ( without :8443)

This tutorial has been last tested on 12 October 2022 on a Cloud Compute instance. See: Deploying a VPS with on how to deploy a VPS on capable of running CloudPanel.

Problems during installation

If during your update and upgrade process some packages are hold back you can install them manually with the following command: (replace <package_name> with the real package name)

sudo apt install <package_name>

In case there are multiple packages not upgraded use the same command but add all the packages behind each other with a space between package like: (replace <package_name> <package_name-2> etc with the real package names.)

sudo apt install <package_name> <package_name-2>